TSL turbine oil condition monitoring program has ability to routinely monitor its customer’s samples for the detection of degradation in physical and chemical properties of in-service turbine oils.

TSL Turbine oil condition monitoring program helps its customers to predict and avoid unwelcome turbine oil failures. Turbine oil condition monitoring program helps its customers to determine the level of oxidation, nitration, depletion in additives (phenol and aminic) , metal wear check, RPVOT (rotating pressure vessel test) , foaming and many more.


S/N Test Name
1 Total Acid Number, ASTM D974
2 Viscosity @ 40°C, ASTM D445
3 Appearance, Visual Examination
4 Color, ASTM D1500
5 Pentane insoluble, ASTM D893
Toluene insoluble, ASTM D893
6 Water Content, ASTM D6304 / ASTM D95
7 Determination of aminic and phenolic anti oxidants, FTIR
7 Condition Monitoring of Oil using FTIR
•    Soot
•    Oxidation
8 Wear metal analysis, ASTM D5185 / EDXRF
•    Aluminum
•    calcium